• Texture

  • Ambassador

  • Adobe

Adobe Amassador

As part of my 2024 Adobe Ambassador project I am working on a body of work inspired by the chaos of life around me and integrating the Gen Fill tool in photoshop. These pieces are based on a trip to the California & Nevada dessert in March, 2024.

  • Texture

  • Ambassador

  • Adobe

Adobe Amassador

As part of my 2024 Adobe Ambassador project I am working on a body of work inspired by the chaos of life around me and integrating the Gen Fill tool in photoshop. These pieces are based on a trip to the California & Nevada dessert in March, 2024.

  • Texture

  • Ambassador

  • Adobe

Adobe Amassador

As part of my 2024 Adobe Ambassador project I am working on a body of work inspired by the chaos of life around me and integrating the Gen Fill tool in photoshop. These pieces are based on a trip to the California & Nevada dessert in March, 2024.

  • Texture

  • Ambassador

  • Adobe

Adobe Amassador

As part of my 2024 Adobe Ambassador project I am working on a body of work inspired by the chaos of life around me and integrating the Gen Fill tool in photoshop. These pieces are based on a trip to the California & Nevada dessert in March, 2024.

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Contact me: krisandrewsmall@gmail.com

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